Ghana operates a strong and robust decentralization system where power and authority is devolved from central government to regional and district level administration. Public Administration structures at the district level in particular interacts with customary governance structures. The overarching goal of these structures is to achieve participatory democracy, good governance and social protection. In spite of this, decentralisation in Ghana has not fully enhanced service provision or improved citizen participation. Nor has it been able to address local needs, performance and accountability. The limiting factors include inadequate financial resources, low capacity of personnel, poor attitude to work, local apathy, and conflicts.
Grameen Ghana’s approach to achieving improved governance is to provide service to vulnerable groups and communities, build or strengthen capacity of local governance structures and personnel, and demand transparency and accountability within the governance system.

Presentation of Action Plan for monitoring of Agric, Water and sanitation activities in a USAID-sponsored Performanace Accountability Activity communities in Zabzugu District of northern region of Ghana (Photo credit: Osman Dawda/Mugmin Musah)